Organic Glasses
Radiation Monitoring Devices (RMD)
Organic Glasses
Organic Glasses
RMD has developed a tin-loaded Organic Glass Scintillator (tin-OGS), a novel organic scintillator, with gamma-ray spectroscopy and neutron/gamma pulse shape discrimination (PSD) comparable to liquid scintillators as well as single crystalline scintillators such as trans-stilbene.
RMD’ s tin-loaded Organic Glass Scintillator allows gamma-ray spectroscopy, fast neutron detection, pulse shape discrimination between gamma rays and neutrons and can be fabricated in large sizes. High light output allows for lower neutron/gamma PSD thresholds for investigation of neutrons up to very low energies. Recently, RMD has also successfully achieved boron loading into these tin-OGS to allow for thermal neutron detection in addition to fast neutron detection, PSD, and gamma-ray spectroscopy.
RMD’s Tin-Loaded Organic Glass Scintillator
- Similar light yield and PSD as Stilbene
- Faster decay than Stilbene
- Successful Sn loading for gamma spectroscopy with excellent energy resolution (not possible with Stilbene)
- Expected to be significantly cheaper and more scalable than Stilbene
- About 2x brighter than plastic scintillators with better ER and PSD
Properties of 1″ Organic Glass Scintillator Cylinder
- High light yield
- Fast decay of the order of 2 ns
- PSD FOM of ~3 at 1 MeVee threshold